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Current UI


A collection of styled UI components that makes building a high-quality, accessible, and fully customizable component library as easy as “copy → paste”.

What is Current UI?

Current UI is an open-source UI component library built using Radix UI and Tailwind CSS. It offers a collection of styled UI components that can be easily copied and pasted into a project, eliminating the need to install it as a dependency and allowing for greater customization. The components in Current UI are designed to be accessible and composable, making it easier to build a high-quality component library that is customizable.

Why Current UI?

When building user interfaces, there have been three main options for component libraries, each with its own set of compromises.

Normal Component Libraries

  • Upside: They offer ready-to-use components that are styled, functional, and accessible.
  • Downside: Customizing them extensively for unique designs can be challenging due to constraints, potentially limiting design flexibility.

Building Custom Components

  • Upside: Provides complete control over design and functionality.
  • Downside: It can be time-consuming and resource-intensive, often leading to issues like poor accessibility and browser compatibility. It may also create difficulties for onboarding new developers.

Unstyled Component Libraries

  • Upside: These libraries offer pre-built components with robust functionality, accessibility, and browser compatibility, leaving the styling to developers. They save time and ensure good practices.
  • Downside: Developers need to add their own styling, which can be seen as a downside if extensive customization is required. This necessitates time-intensive individual styling efforts, often leading to difficulties in maintaining design cohesion throughout the applications lifecycle.

Enter Current UI

The copy-paste UI component library built using Radix UI and Tailwind CSS

Unlike normal component libraries, Current UI provides open source code you can copy and paste into your project, giving you full control. It’s your code.

Unlike building custom components, Current UI is built using the unstyled component library, Radix UI. This means that all the functionality, accessibility, and browser compatibility of your UI are handled by a team of experts.

Unlike unstyled component libraries, Current UI provides pre-defined styling that you can either use right away or customize to meet your own needs.



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